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Red Packet

Red_ Packet_ 2018_SKU_0285

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Chinese Red Packet Envelope 2018

It is time to prepare for the coming Chinese New Year 2018. This is a significant event which impacts all your stakeholders.  This is even more pressing as the 2018 Chinese Year starts as early as 16th February next year.

Keeping the your needs in mind; our company, ILOVEGIFTS has collaborated on a business project with established to bring to you not less than 100 original, fresh and attractive designs for red packets for 2018 with themes that falls in the Chinese horoscope of the Dog.

Attached is the catalogue that contains the designs for your choices. Please browse through the catalogue. For those designs that interest you, please:

  • Take note of the product code number
    • Should you have your own designs in mind, simply provide us with an artwork of your design in high definition softcopy format
  • Provide artwork of company logo in ai or HD format
  • Indicate the position of your printed company logo:
  • Indicate the total quantities required and how many pieces per pack (eg. in pack of 6, 8 or 10 pcs) 

In return, we shall:

  • Revert to you with our quotation within 1-2 working days. 

Upon acceptance and agreement, we shall:

  • Proceed to do a digital mock-up of a sample red packet.
  • Collect a 50% deposit before any commencement of production  
  • Production lead time is 3 to 4 weeks after confirmation of the artwork.


Feel free to contact:

Mr Daniel Ong

Hp: 9626-2373