Surely you are sick and tired of cliche marketing pitches or hyped commercial advertisements by corporate gift providers in Singapore, professing to be IT techie wizards!
Certainly, you had met corporate gift suppliers or wholesalers who over-promised the latest IT gizmos, only to under-deliver you with nothing more than run-of-the-mill and mass-market electronics. ILOVEGIFTS made the difficult decision not to join the frenzy race to jazz up the airy fairy marketing buzz. Rather, ILOVEGIFTS works steadfastly while believing that: Actions speak louder than words.
We let our menu of technology corporate gifts speak for itself:
* Don't want the usual boring USB sticks? We offer USB flash drives in bespoke wooden casings, or credit-card sizes. You can even get flash drives with extra functions like built-in pedometer or digital photo album.
* Don't want the common looking fitness bracelets? You would get fitness watches in funky straps in gutsy colours and even with GPS function.
* Dislike the boring old mouse or hand phone chargers, resting on your desk? We offer avant garde designs with matrix-like cool x-factor, cheerful bright colours with cute caricatures without compromising function, ergonomics or even portability.
After all, in the Singapore corporate gifts industry, we pride ourselves as the UNIQUE corporate gifts solution provider.
May you boldly invest a minute of your time browsing through our menu?
* To you, it is only 1 minute.
* To us, it is 60 hours of obsessive and relentless pursuit for the perfect gift you need.
Yes, our quest for perfection may prove elusive. Be it technology, lifestyle, home & living accessories, please check out our other pages too.